Sunday, December 5, 2010

Banker to the poor - review

The Story of man with a vision
Some body who was more worried about practical problems out there rather than just teaching economics ..and with a belief that universities should not be an island where academics attain higher and higher knowledge without sharing any of it knowledge...
Some body wanted to understand if banks are there to help poor or just to  make wealthy wealthier ??
   The story of a man who challenged almost every thing related to banking sector, be it credit scheme or the documentation process

Loved the way he questions the existing system , his sharp and to the point question about the very existence of banking rules and achieving such a grand success having zero banking experience is a credit in itself.
    Though the book is a little lengthy but its a nice read and people who have seen rural area problems will be able to connect to it in a better way . There are some real learning’s here that can be applied in the social lending arena. Grameen Bank has made $ 3.4 billion dollars in loans to 2.4 million people. Yes … that’s an average loan size of $1,400. This is an extraordinary figure, that normal banks would sneer at, as being unprofitable, and impossible to process at a profit.
                     I loved the first and second that is beginning and Experimental part Though i find the replicating that is part !V a little boring. Philosophy is another must read section. In short it was worth spending my sunday morning for this book ..  

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