Thursday, May 27, 2010

wanna kiss ??? Wait a minute

Wanna kiss?? Wait a minute you can be convicted for rape…
                        We have read a lot about what happened with Ruchika Gehrotra Where the girl was molested by Haryana IG S.P.S Rathore in 1990 and what is even more noticeable here  is the punishment he got. Any way this blog is not to tell the flaws in judicial system . We all know that we live in a messy country, where theory of randomness has a greater say over any other theories (if there are any). Not yet convicted for anything? You must be lucky because one day you can just find a snap on your door saying you have been charged under so an so case- have fun for the rest of your life time finding out who did what. And Ofcourse “why “ if you can
                        After Ruchika case our judicial system thought , people are saying so many bad things about us let us do something at least for a change.  And they come up with this – A new draft  Bill Under which – If a man forcibly puts his finger in to woman’s  mouth or lets his tongue enter her mouth during a kiss (if you can restrain doing this and yet to manage a kiss our law is ok with that) he could end up in jail for sexual assault with the sentence no less than the punishment for rape (yes you heard it right – for the “Rape”) which is seven years of life. Wait a minute – have you guys gone nuts Are you telling us that there is no difference between a “vilolent Rape and Kiss” ? you got to be kidding me. There has to be something better than you guys have come up with. You mean to say the guy who just happens to kiss his girl friend is going to be charged against Rape (ofcourse the GF didn’t quite liked it )?  Rest of the life he will be known as rapist?.
            I don’t deny that Indian laws on sexual assault have been extremely weak. At present section 375 and 376 deals of IPC deals which deals with the Rape.  But Wont this kind of law (The new amended one ) could be used at a greater extent merely to extort money , to outright panic that the doors would be thrown open for false cases that can destroy a person reputation. I know whats in your mind , you wanna say – Why don’t you suggest something about how do we handles millions of “Rathores” out there.  well I bet I have one  – how about giving the trial system a real pace when it is about rape ,molestation ?Hang The molesters  if you want but at  least do this in a Fare way. Give them chance to say what they have to say about this. Why not murder ? I am sorry I thought you already knew this – there were 30 million pending murder cases as of sep 2009 which will take – I don’t know may be decades to resolve all given we (the people of india) take an oath not to murder any body hereafter for any reason. So I thought at least the rape and sexual molestation charges trial can be a little speed up ?  
                                    High time our honourable judges please wake up , bring something real on desk at least for a change. I know you have slogged enough to reach that place and you have lost touch with work (The Real one ) but then atleast don’t throw some thing as stupid as this to us. Don’t call us rapist we happen to kiss our GF when she was in bad mood


  1. hello my friend,
    We have a good culture here compared to other countries. One of my friend from Philippines, told me, they didn't get any virgin womens for the marriage. Most of the ladies are doing sex with their bf and change their bf occasionally. when we compare our culture with their, we can see the high difference. Thats why, kissing also include a high punishment

  2. Totally disagree with what ever you said , firt thing i think u should re visit the virginity concept - it just state of a body has nothing to do with how loyal you would be in future. Any way Thanks for visting and your comment

  3. u just compare the difference b/w the two country's cultural difference. Here we have to implement the punishment systems w.r.t our culture.

  4. Hi First thing Just because i am an Indian i dont admit that we have better culture compare to others .. This issomething we cant compare and shouldnt be compared.Plus the culture u are talking about is Totallly Superficial , one side we consider "S*X" as untouchable subject to discuss same time We are no one in production (child :)), I understand your concern about not getting a virgin women to marry but at the same time i dont think it should bother one so much . We talk culture about only when we think we cant think of any reason that why being such a small country , they have managed to be no 1.. Any way this blog is about what i think feel free to discuss more if u want


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