“When Men delayed History in
So far all the political parties have terrible record of giving women a share in political representation. Take for example 2009 election there were 8070 candidates who contested in these polls. Only 7 percent that is 556 were women candidate. So is it there are less good women available for representation or it is something else ? if former is the case aren’t we compromising the nation future. I don’t have single instance in mind where the reservation has served any purpose other than making rich richer.
I was told by women friend of mine that this is exactly we need reservation because this will bring more representation from the community which is considered to be comparatively week. And I had to tell her that just in case if you don’t know “OBC and Muslim women not to be given representation” because our constitution says They can have reservation only in jobs and education but not in legislatures. I am very sorry to say that though it’s a very good move but was not being taken keeping the nation interest in mind. It was mere a political move by Sonia Gandhi to bring Rahul Gandhi to power. The process was initiated at this point because she wanted to widening parties base ,luring in to mainstream whole new constituencies hoping that this will guarantee 300 + seats in loksabha so Rahul Gandhi can be king when he becomes PM ?
When I tried to dig a little more on NOT what Sonia Gandhi really think about it but what she actually does , the facts were surprising. Despite the fact that she shouts it so loudly that she is for woman empowerment she had allotted just about 10% of total seats for women in last election. Mayawati party BSP did even worst by restricting it to 5%.
Check this fact , out of the 59 women MP s 40 to be precise were crorepatis. And - out of the 59 Female MP s 10 have criminal cases pending against them. That makes it 17% of the women representative are criminals. What bothers me is, will we be ever able to find good representatives with this Quota rules? Can my nation take this as well? We need good and Strong leaders irrespective of their Sex. Our Foreign policies are messed up ,
My research on this bill was able to convince me that there is nothing actually that good as it was portrayed. It’s just yet another political move to increase vote bank and the nation is definitely not ready for it. It’s a very good thing to give reservation to women but maybe this is not the right time. I have not even an iota of doubt that women have better management capabilities than any of men can ever have but there is lot of homework to be done before we expect that we as a nation can actual reap the benefit out of the capabilities our female counterparts have.And reserving seats in LS definitely doesn't serves the purpose helping them to grow by giving them equal space does.Celebrating every day as women's day does, Giving them the respect they always deserved and ever denied, Does.
Nice one... I totally agree with your research
ReplyDeleteGood one there....
ReplyDeleteVery well written... Manish.. especially "Giving them the respect they always deserved and ever denied, Does.". It holds good in any other case too as we haven't seen reservation working wonder for the downtrodden classes either even in last 50years of Indian history. It is just another game of politics. No time is right for reservation.
ReplyDeleteThanks Srini ,Chethan and HighFlier (you arent grounded :))